Outdoor Theme Park Theming

Bellewaerde - Mundo Amazonia

Bellewaerde recently launched 'Mundo Amazonia' and we created the sets and theming for the brand new themed area!

Outdoor Theme Park Theming

Le Pal | Fjord Explorer

LE PAL recently launched the new Fjord Explorer and we took care of the overall theming of the attraction, such as the queues and the lighthouse.

Outdoor Theming

Kongeparken RASET | Disk’o Coaster

Norwegian amusement park Kongeparken has opened a new unique attraction: RASET. We were asked to dress the entire attraction with decorative wooden elements in the TNT/mine theme. We built 44 TNT crates, a broken down train track and a lot more matching structures and signage.

Outdoor Theming

Bobbejaanland Theme Signing

The Musicians' House has found its home in this beautiful garden. Fully custom designed and personalized down to the smallest details. Step into this unique caravan and let yourself be carried away by the most beautiful melodies while you're preparing something delicious food with the provided spices!
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